Why me?
I worked very hard and I have had an excellent high tech career and education. I experienced the highs and lows of the ".com" business period. I have worked with the largest of the multi-nationals and smallest of startups and even in trying turn around companies.
I have worked as managers and executives with companies in Canada, the United States, Europe and Asia. I have developed business, partnerships, joint venture and strategic alliances totalling over $300 million in sales.
My approach is to Business Coaching is different from most coaches, I believe that you must must have business experiences, successes and failures. You have to have built businesses, funded businesses, managed businesses, exited businesses, closed businesses and then done it again.
As with most athletic coaches there is a time to show, to demonstrate, to point out, to correct, to adjust, to cajole, to be firm and be very direct. I use the approach to provide business value to my coaching and consulting clients. Yes, you have to do the work, you have to be willing to learn, to change, to correct, to be coachable and to dream big.
I have years and years of business experience, real experience with credentials and expertise and the wisdom that brings to help you and your business.
More importantly, I have built a network of trusted vendors, consultants and professionals that I bring to the table for you. I like to say "my network is your network"
I am blessed with the talent and the skill to quickly see business opportunities and identify business issues, and to find new market opportunities.
I am a direct and concise communicator who can quickly hone in on business issues and unearth new value opportunities. I understand the business value of systems and technology, digital marketing and social media.
I discovered that I have another talent, that of being a Business Coach. But, a different kind of Business Coach, one who brings real life business experience to table and not just the lessons associated with the last business book.
To call yourself a "Certified Business" Coach is misleading and in accurate. Simply put there is NO certification authorities, there are no standards, there is no testing. Most coaches simply don't have the business experience to be a business coach.
For me, Business Coaching is often centred around the art of the question. And while this as purpose and a role, coaching shouldn't and needn't be limited to the purposeful questioning or the last business book the coach read.
I have blue collar roots having worked in construction, on the car line, on the factory floor, in a steel mill, in transportation, in retail, in hospitality and in education. I have managed upward, downward, sideways and outward. I am comfortable in the board room, the class room, in private business clubs and also in the tavern or local coffee shop.
I have a network and maintain relationships that can help you and your business.